Great day out raising much needed funds for St Brigid’s Special School, Dundalk.

Below are provisional results.  We have a list of queries that we have generated based on the redundant backup…anything we’ve queried has been left off this render – so get in touch with us.  We appreciate it may be disappointing not to find your name in the provisional results query, but we will endeavour to investigate each query in a timely manner for you.   A lot of firsts happened today – first trial of postage race numbers, first time at a new venue. No matter how much planning, there’s always something to test the best laid plans with an event of this size.

Updated Monday, 6th March 2017 @10pm

CARLINGFORD HALF MARATHON – Half Marathon is GUN ELAPSED TIME – for more information, please get in touch.


All contact MUST be in an email, otherwise we cannot ensure it will be resolved quickly.

Email with as much information as you can give us and we will deal with them as quickly as we can.

Thanking you in advance for you cooperation, and we hope you are recovering well after a hard day on the coast.